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LOU a remporté le Visioni VR People’s Choice Award décerné par le festival du film Visioni Dal Mundo (Milan, Italie) · Attribué à l’expérience de réalité virtuelle LOU, ce prix de 1000 euros était le seul prix du concours VR. Nos plus sincères remerciements au public !
Par ailleurs, LOU a également reçu les Deux Mentions Spéciales du Concours VR : la MENTION SPÉCIALE PRESSE et la MENTION SPÉCIALE CRÉATEURS DE CONTENU. Merci aux jurys!
LOU won the Visioni VR People’s Choice Award issued by Visioni Dal Mundo film festival (Milan, Italy) · Awarded to the virtual reality experience LOU, this 1000 Euros prize was the only prize for the VR competition. Thank you so much to the audience!
Additionally, LOU also received the Two special Mentions of the VR Competition: the PRESS SPECIAL MENTION and the CONTENT CREATORS SPECIAL MENTION.
Thanks to the juries!
Lou is a story that could not have been told as effectively through any other medium or technology. Its visual simplicity, combined with a direct and immediate narrative structure, generates a powerful sense of empathy and shifts the viewer’s perspective. Lou breaks down the barrier that typically separates autistic individuals from the rest of the world, allowing the audience to literally step into their bubble, fully immersing them in the emotions and sensations that autistic individuals experience.